General Features
- One-coat protection
- Non-film forming
- Enhances the natural beauty of the wood
- High abrasion and scratch resistance
- No overlaps and starting marks
- Child safe (EN 71-3 Certified)
- Water repellent
- Environmentally friendly (VOC free)
Where to use- Wood floorings
- Wooden tables, chairs, kitchen worktops and furniture
- Suitable for all interior wooden surfaces
Packaging- 250 ml HEMEL Wood Oil (A) and 50 ml HEMEL Hardener (B)
- 0,750 L. HEMEL Wood Oil (A) and 0,150 L. HEMEL Hardener (B)
- 2,5 L. HEMEL Wood Oil (A) and 0,500 L. HEMEL Hardener (B)
Interior use onlyHigh abrasion & scratch resistanceApply with brush, cloth or polishing machineStir well before use1 Lt covers 30 m2Does not crack or blister.
Warning: The colors shown here are applied on oak and intended to approximate the final color. The color and the gloss obtained will vary according to the type, texture, and the absorbency of the wood. Film thickness and the number of coats applied will also affect the result. To see the final color, it is recommended to apply the product on the wood to be used. Tips
The application method and quantities specified in the Technical Data Sheet of the product should be followed while applying.
Floor applications should be started first from parts such as edges and skirtings.
The 15-minute period expected after the product is applied is important because; During this period, HEMEL Wood Oil 2C product completely penetrates the surface by forming a chemical bond with the wood cells. Since the product is used with the hardener, after 15 minutes, it will be more and more difficult to remove the excess product remaining on the surface as time progresses and an oil film will begin to form on the surface.
Apply the product to the surface with circular movements, so that when applied, the product will better penetrate the veins of the wood.
We recommend that you use no more than 150 grit sanding units in the sanding process to prepare the surface before application. Especially in applications made on hardwood species, wood cells and pores over 150 grit sanders will not have enough clearance to absorb the product.
To be able to apply in maximum quantity with the product, we recommend applying with the pad machine. In this way, HEMEL Wood Oil 2C product will penetrate the wood better and the surface can be lubricated up to 50 square meters with a 1 liter product.
When mixing the product with its hardener, attention should be paid to the specified 20% ratio. For use below or above this ratio, the surface strength of the product will be affected differently. These mentioned rates are a result of our R & D studies and experience in wood.
We recommend that the surface be wiped with cellulosic thinner and wait until it dries before the application to be made on wood species containing high amounts of tannin, oil, and sap such as chestnut, iroko.
The most important feature of HEMEL Wood Oil 2C product is that it offers regional maintenance. When maintenance is desired, if the depth of the scratch is too high, sanding with 180-220 grit sandpaper should be done throughout the scratch and follow the instructions.
You can apply as specified. If the scratch is not too deep, you can perform maintenance by following the instructions with the product of the same color as the color you have used without polishing sandpaper.
If you do not prefer a natural and matte appearance and want a more shiny and smooth surface, you can apply the product in 2 layers. In this application, 24 hours after the completion of the first coat application, you can apply the second coat as specified in the application instructions by sanding with 180, 220, 320, or 400 grit sandpaper according to your preference.
If you are going to apply on soft trees such as Pine, without pouring the product on wood, cloth, brush, etc. we recommend that you apply the material by dipping it into the product. In this way, when applied by pouring the product directly on soft trees, because the absorbency of the Woods is high, there may be more absorption in the area where the product is poured, and color differences may occur on the surface due to this.
Problems and solutions
Spontaneous flame of the cloth used in the application.
- When applying oil-based products, in cases where cloth, sponge, felt, etc. are used, there is a possibility that the materials used spontaneously ignite, especially in hot weather. To prevent this, these materials that come into contact with oil after use should be completely wetted with water and then disposed of.
Freezing of the hardener left in the packaging after use
The problem is that the hardener gets air. The hardener of the product will start to freeze in the range of about 4-6 hours when it comes into contact with air. After your application is complete, make sure that the cover of the hardener is closed so that it does not receive air. In addition, in cases where a very small amount of hardener remains in the package, contact with the air can be minimized by transferring it to a smaller package so that there is no air gap on the hardener.
Freezing of the product after preparing the mixture
Causes of the Problem:
- The product hardens as a result of the chemical reaction of A and B components. This reaction takes place at a certain time. Under normal conditions, the life of HEMEL Wood Oil 2C Part A and Part B mixture is approximately 4-6 hours.
- The mixture should be used within the specified period and care should be taken to prepare the mixture as much as the amount to be used. The life of the mixture may change depending on the ambient temperature and humidity.
Frequently Asked Questions
How long can I work after mixing two-component products?
You should consume two-component parquet varnishes within 2 hours and HEMEL Wood Oil 2C within 4-6 hours. Therefore, prepare only the amount of mixture you will use.
Which product should I use for old-style flooring?
You can use our oil-based and two-component HEMEL Wood Oil 2C product if you want not to spoil their natural appearance and protect your parquets. Apart from that, you can use any HEMEL water-based parquet polish.
I want to have a wooden ladder, which product would you recommend on it?
We recommend you use HEMEL Deck Oil on your outdoor wooden stairs.
If seasonal care is not a problem for you, you can apply it in HEMEL Exotic Oil.
On your indoor stairs, you can use our water-based parquet varnishes or our oil-based HEMEL Wood Oil 2C product.
What does natural oil mean?
Petroleum-derived oils (naphtha), polymerized oils, and natural oils are used in many oil paints and industries. Natural oils mentioned here refer to oils obtained from vegetable products such as linseed, tung fruit, soybean, and cotton.
Can I use it on kitchen counters?
In areas that are likely to be in contact with water, such as kitchen and bathroom countertops, and where a lot of cleaning agents can be used during the day, we recommend that the application should be done with a brush or the product should be applied in 2 layers at 24 hours.
Can it be used on epoxy-containing log tables?
You can safely use it on log tables containing epoxy, so you can both ensure that the epoxy surface shines and protect your wood against liquids by feeding it. In addition, you can maintain your old tables with Wood Oil 2C, depending on the conditions of use, which were previously applied with Wood Oil 2C.
- 30 m² depending on wood type and application method
Surface Preparation:
- Remove any dirt, oil, and wood dust from the surface.
- Do not use products like cellulose or polyurethane filler or primer before the application of the product. As a filler, mix the wood dust with the product and fill all gaps and joints of the parquet. Clean the excess paste after it has dried out.
-Untreated Wooden Surfaces:- Sand the surface according to the desired surface appearance.
- Thoroughly clean the generated dust and remove it entirely from the surface with a vacuum cleaner.
- Remove the remaining dust with a damp cloth.
-Oiled Wooden Surfaces:- Remove the remaining dust with a damp cloth.
-Old Uncoated Wooden Surfaces:- Sand the weathered surface according to the desired surface appearance.
- Thoroughly clean the generated dust and remove it entirely from the surface with a vacuum cleaner.
- Remove the remaining dust with a damp cloth.
-Varnished Wooden Floors:- Do not apply the product directly on pre-coated surfaces.
- Remove the old varnish from the parquet completely with a scraping machine. Remove any dirt, oil, wood dust, and old varnish residues from the surface.
- Thoroughly clean the generated dust and remove it entirely from the surface with a vacuum cleaner.
- Remove the remaining dust with a damp cloth.
- The product is used as two components with hardener.
- Stir the product thoroughly before use and check its homogeneity. Repeat this process during the application.
- Add the hardener by %20 and stir the product by a spatula or stick. The container used should be dry and clean.
- The mixture should be applied within 4-6 hours.
- Apply in the direction of the wood grain to get a homogeneous look.
- The treated surface may be stepped on after 24 hours.
- Allow seven days for full cure.
- -Manual Application:
- Apply the mixture along the edges for flooring.
- Apply the mixture in 1 coat by a brush or cloth in zones of 5 m2 and leave 15 minutes for penetrating the oil. Thoroughly remove the excess oil by cloth within 15 minutes per zone until the surface feels dry.
- Apply in the direction of the wood grain to get a homogeneous look.
- -Machine Application:
- Apply the mixture along the edges for flooring.
- Use a polishing machine with a red buffer pad for leveling the product to the surface.
- Pour a quantity product to surface or buffer pads hollow and apply in zones of 5-10 m2. Leave 15 minutes for penetrating the oil. Thoroughly remove the excess oil by white buffer pad within 15 minutes per zone till the surface feels dry.
- Do not apply products such as nitro, polyurethane basecoats, or primers before HEMEL Wood Oil 2C.
- Keep the product closed when not in use.
- The general application temperature of the product is between 15°C to 25°C at a relative humidity range of 40-65%.
- The moisture content of the wood should be below 12%.
- The area should be ventilated during and after the application to promote the drying.
- ÜThe product should not be applied when the weather or surface temperature is below 10°C.
- The floor should not be cleaned with ammonia containing cleaning materials.
- The varnished floor can be stepped on after 24 hours. Allow seven days before spreading carpet or cleaning.
- The product should be stored at temperatures between 5°C to 35°C.
- Painting tools should be cleaned with mineral spirits after the application.
Safety Precautions:
- Do not transfer contents to other containers for storage.
- Do not use empty plastic cans for other purposes.
- To avoid overexposure, open windows and doors or use other means to ensure fresh air entry during application and drying.
- Avoid contact with eyes and skin.
- Wash hands after using.
- FIRST AID: In case of eye contact, flush thoroughly with large amounts of water. Get medical attention if irritation persists. If swallowed, call Poison Control Center, hospital emergency room, or physician immediately.
- Dispose of contents/plastic cans in accordance with national regulations.
- Please refer to the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) of the product for health and safety information.
Ahşap Yağı Nedir?
Ahşap yağı ahşaba nüfuz ederek ahşabın natürel bir görüntüye sahip olmasını sağlar. Ahşap bakım yağının su itme özelliği sayesinde ahşabın çürümesi engellenir. Masif ahşap mobilya, ahşap mutfak tezgahı, ahşap parke, lamine parke gibi sert ahşapların doğal dokusunu koruyarak, ahşaba dokunduğunuz zaman öz dokusunu hissedebilirsiniz. Ahşabı dış etkenlerden korurken doğallığını da muhafaza etmek için ahşap yağı ile bakım yapmak gerekir.Ahşap masa, kütük masa, ağaç masa ürünleri adeta ömürlüktür kendi başınıza yapabileceğiniz basit bir zımpara ve doğal yağ bakımı sonrasında ilk günkü gibi mükemmel görünüme sahip olabilir.
Ahşap Yağı Ne İşe Yarar?
Ahşap çok şık ve kaliteli bir malzeme olmakla birlikte, ahşabın çok iyi korunması gerekir. Ahşap tezgah, ahşap mobilya ve ahşap parke kullanımında belirli zaman aralıkları ile bakım uygulamazsanız çürüme ve çatlama oluşabilir. Ahşap yağı çürümeyi engellemek için devreye girer ahşabın öz dokusunu kaybetmeden korunmasını sağlar.Ahşap mobilya, ahşap tezgah, ahşap parke bakımı için ahşap yağı
Balmumu yüzeyli, yağlı yüzeyli veya vaks kaplamalı ahşap mobilyalar, ahşap parke ve ahşap tezgahlar en azından yılda bir kere yağlanmalıdır. Böylelikle eşyaların kuru ve matlaşmış görüntüsü giderilir aynı zamanda eşyalarınız yeni bir görünüm kazanır.İç mekan ahşaplar için Hemel grubunun ürettiği, doğal Carnauba mumu ve doğal yağların birleşiminden meydana gelen tek komponentli Hardwax Oil ve çift komponentli, solvent içermeyen ahşap yağı, Hemel Wood Oil 2C ahşap mobilyalarınız ve parkeleriniz için en iyi ahşap bakım yağı seçenekleri olacaktır. Film tabakası oluşturmayan ahşap yağı olmakla birlikte aşınmaya ve çizilmeye karşı da ahşap eşyalarınızı korur.
Ahşap Mobilya Nasıl Temizlenir?
Ahşap cilalanmış ve bitmişse, temiz ve nemli bir bezle temizleyebilirsiniz. Ahşap temizliği ve ahşap bakımı için kullanacağınız bez yumuşak aynı zamanda hafif nemli bir bez olmalı. Ağaç boyalı ise, ahşabı yumuşak bir ahşap yağı ile temizlemek ve sonrasında nemlendirmek amaçlı ahşap cila uygulaması yapmak gerekir.
Mobilyalarınızın parlaklığını korumak ve suyu iticiliği sağlamak için ahşabı mobilya yağı, balmumu veya cila işlemi önemli uygulamadır. Mobilyalar günlük yıpranma, çatlamayı önlemek için ayda en az bir kez nemlendirin. Kuru görünen yeni veya kullanılmış bir mobilya parçasını da yağlamak isteyebilirsiniz.
Ahşap mobilya ve ahşap parke, kimyasal temizlik ürünlerinden, kahve, şarap, su gibi sıvılardan korumalısınız. Modern ahşap mobilya az sabunlu hafif nemli bir havlu yardımıyla temizlenebilir. Antika mobilya ise daha narin bir yüzeye sahip olabileceğinden, öncelikle üzerinde ufak bir alanda test yapılması, sonuca göre temizliğe devam edilmesi uygun olacaktır.
Ahşap tezgah, lamine parke, masif ahşap mobilya üzerine bulaşık ya da sıcak tava, sıcak tencere koymamalısınız.
729.90 TL
729.90 TL
729.90 TL
729.90 TL
729.90 TL
729.90 TL
729.90 TL
729.90 TL
729.90 TL
729.90 TL