Hemel Hardwax Oil Chocolate

One-component blend of natural oils and carnauba wax, offering protection and maintenance for all indoor wood, including flooring and furniture
679.90 TL
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  • Information
  • General Features
    • One-coat protection
    • Non-film forming
    • Enhances the natural beauty of the wood
    • Abrasion and scratch resistance
    • No overlaps marking
    • Child safe (EN 71-3 Certified)
    • Water repellent
    • Environmentally friendly
    Where to use
    • Wood floorings
    • Wooden tables, chairs, kitchen worktops and furniture
    • Suitable for all interior wooden surfaces
    • Previously oiled interior woods and furniture
    • 500 ml
    • 2,5 L.
    • 15 L. (Upon request)
    Interior use only
    Abrasion & scratch resistance
    Apply with brush, cloth or polishing machine
    Stir well before use
    1 Lt-2 Katta 6-7 m2
    1 Lt covers 30 m2
    Does not crack or blister.

    The colors shown here are applied on oak and intended to approximate the final color. The color and the gloss obtained will vary according to the type, texture, and the absorbency of the wood. Film thickness and the number of coats applied will also affect the result. To see the final color, it is recommended to apply the product on the wood to be used.

  • Püf Noktaları


    Uygulama yapılırken Hemel Hardwax Oil'in Teknik Bilgi Formu’nda belirtilen uygulama metodu veMiktarlarına uyulmalıdır.

    Zemin uygulamalarına önce kenar, süpürgelik gibi kısımlardan başlanmalıdır. Hemel Hardwax Oiluygulandıktan sonra beklenen 15 dakikalık süre önemlidir çünkü; bu süre zarfındauygulanan HEMEL Hardwax Oil ürünü ahşap hücreleri ile kimyasal bağ oluşturarakyüzeye tamamıyla nüfuz eder.

    Uygulama öncesinde yüzeyi hazırlamak için yaptığınız zımpara işleminde en fazla 150numara zımpara kullanmanızı öneririz. Özellikle sert ağaç türleri üzerinde yapılanuygulamalarda 150 numara üzerinde zımparalarda ahşap hücre ve gözenekleri ürününemilmesi için yeteri miktarda açıklığa sahip olamayacaktır.

    Ürün ile maksimum metrajda uygulama yapabilmek için ped makinesi ile uygulamayapılmasını tavsiye ederiz. Bu şekilde HEMEL Hardwax Oil ürünü hem ahşaba daha iyinüfuz edecek hem de 1 litre ürün ile 50 metrekareye kadar yüzey yağlanabilecektir.

    Kestane, iroko gibi yüksek oranda tanin, yağ ve özsuyu içeren ağaç türlerine yapılacakUygulamalardan önce yüzeyin selülozik tiner ile silinerek kuruyana kadar beklenmesinitavsiye ederiz.

    HEMEL Hardwax Oil'in en büyük özelliği bölgesel bakım imkanı sunmasıdır. BakımYapılmak istendiğinde, çiziğin derinliği çok fazla ise çizik boyunca 180-220 numaralızımpara ile yoklama zımparası yapılarak talimatlarda belirtildiği şekilde uygulamayapabilirsiniz. Oluşan çizik çok derin değilse yoklama zımparası yapmadan da kullanmışolduğunuz renk ile aynı renkteki ürün ile talimatlara uyarak bakım yapabilirsiniz.

    Doğal ve mat görünümü tercih etmiyor ve daha parlak ve pürüzsüz bir yüzey istiyorsanız Hemel Hardwax Oil'i2 kat olarak uygulayabilirsiniz. Bu uygulamada ilk kat uygulama tamamlandıktan24 saat sonra katlar arası 180, 220, 320 veya 400 numaralı zımparalar ile tercihinizegöre yoklama zımparası yaparak uygulama talimatlarında belirtildiği şekilde 2. Katıuygulayabilirsiniz.

    Çam vb. yumuşak ağaçlar üzerinde uygulama yapacaksanız ürünü ahşap üzerinedökmeden, bez, fırça vb. materyali ürüne daldırarak uygulamanızı tavsiye ederiz. Bu şekilde yumuşak ağaçlar üzerine direkt olarak ürünü dökerek uygulama yapıldığındaahşapların emiciliği yüksek olduğundan ürünün döküldüğü alanda daha fazla emilimolabilmekte ve bundan kaynaklı olarak da yüzeyde renk farklılıkları meydanagelebilmektedir.

    Problem ve Çözümler

    Uygulamada kullanılan bezin kendiliğinden alev alması

    Problemin Sebepleri:

    • Kullanılan bezlerin ıslatılmadan bertaraf edilmesi


    • Yağ bazlı ürünlerde uygulama yapılırken bez, sünger, keçe vb. ürünler kullanıldığı durumlarda, kullanılan materyallerin özellikle sıcak havalarda kendiliğinden alevlenme ihtimali vardır. Bunun önüne geçmek için kullanım sonrasında yağ ile temas eden bu materyaller su ile tamamen ıslatılmalı ve sonrasında bertaraf edilmelidir.

    Uygulamadan sonra yüzeyin bölge bölge parlaması

    Problemin Sebepleri:

    • Yüzeye uygulanan yağın fazlasının alınmaması
    • Silme işleminin düzgün yapılamaması


    • Hemel Hardwax Oil'uygulandıktan sonra silme işleminde yüzey ara ara kontrol edilmeli ıslaklık bulunan bölgeler var ise bu alanlar kuruluk hissi elde edilene kadar tekrar silinmelidir.

    Sıkça Sorulan Sorular

    Eski tip parkeler için hangi ürünü kullanmalıyım?

    Hem doğal görünümlerini bozmamak hem de parkelerinizi korumak istiyorsanız yağ bazlıve çift komponentli HEMEL Wood Oil 2C veya tek komponentli HEMEL Hardwax Oil'i kullanabilirsiniz. Bunun dışında dilediğiniz HEMEL su bazlı parke cilasınıkullanabilirsiniz.

    Ahşap merdiven yaptırmak istiyorum, üzerine hangi ürününüzü önerirsiniz?

    Dış mekan ahşap merdivenlerinizde HEMEL Deck Oil kullanmanızı tavsiye ederiz.Sezonluk bakım yapmak sizin için sorun değil ise HEMEL Exotic Oil de uygulayabilirsiniz.İç mekan merdivenlerinizde ise su bazlı parke cilalarımızı veya yağ bazlı HEMEL Wood Oil2C veya HEMEL Hardwax Oil ürünümüzü kullanabilirsiniz.

    Daha önce HEMEL Wood Oil 2C uyguladığım yüzeye bakım yapmak için zımparayapmadan HEMEL Hardwax Oil kullanabilir miyim?

    Ahşap yüzeyi, tüm kir, yağ ve tozdan arındırdıktan sonra zımpara yapmadan “uygulama”başlığında belirtildiği şekilde ürünü kullanabilirsiniz.

    Carnauba nedir, sağlığa zararlı mıdır?

    Carnauba, Brezilya bölgesinde yetişen bir palmiye türü olan “Copernicia Prunifera”danelde edilen bir çeşit mumdur. Gıda, kozmetik vb. birçok alanda kullanılmaktadır.

    Doğal yağ ne demektir?

    Petrol türevi yağlar (neft yağı), polimerize yağlar ve doğal yağlar vb. birçok yağ boya veendüstride kullanılmaktadır. Burada bahsedilen doğal yağlar keten tohumu, tungmeyvesi, soya ve pamuk gibi bitkisel ürünlerden elde edilen yağları ifade etmektedir.

    Mutfak tezgahlarında kullanabilir miyim?

    Mutfak ve banyo tezgahı gibi devamlı su ile temas ihtimali olan ve gün içerisinde çokçatemizlik maddeleri kullanılabilen alanlarda uygulamanın fırça ile yapılmasını veya Hemel Hardwax Oil'nin24 saat arayla 2 kat olarak uygulanmasını tavsiye ederiz.

  • •Coverage:

    • 30 m² depending on wood type and application method

    •Surface Preparation:

    • Remove any dirt, oil, and wood dust from the surface.
    • Do not use products like cellulose or polyurethane filler or primer before the application of the product. As a filler, mix the wood dust with the product and fill all gaps and joints of the parquet. Clean the excess paste after it has dried out.

    -Untreated Wooden Surfaces:
    • Sand the surface according to the desired surface appearance. I.e., it is recommended to sand with #80/120 for a natural finish and #180-300 for a smoother texture
    • Thoroughly clean the generated dust and remove it entirely from the surface with a vacuum cleaner.
    • Remove the remaining dust with a damp cloth.

    -Oiled Wooden Surfaces:
    • Remove the remaining dust with a damp cloth.

    -Old Uncoated Wooden Surfaces:
    • Sand the weathered surface according to the desired surface appearance. I.e., it is recommended to sand with #80/120 for a natural finish and #180-300 for a smoother texture.
    • Thoroughly clean the generated dust and remove it entirely from the surface with a vacuum cleaner.
    • Remove the remaining dust with a damp cloth.

    -Varnished Wooden Floors:
    • Do not apply the product directly on pre-coated surfaces.
    • Remove the old varnish from the parquet completely with a scraping machine. Remove any dirt, oil, wood dust, and old varnish residues from the surface.
    • Sand the surface according to the desired surface appearance. I.e., it is recommended to sand with #80/120 for a natural finish and #180-300 for a smoother texture.
    • Thoroughly clean the generated dust and remove it entirely from the surface with a vacuum cleaner.
    • Remove the remaining dust with a damp cloth.


    • The product is used as two components with hardener.
    • Stir the product thoroughly before use and check its homogeneity. Repeat this process during the application.
    • The treated surface may be stepped on after 24 hours.
    • Allow seven days for full cure.
    • -Manual Application:
    • Apply the mixture along the edges for flooring.
    • Apply the mixture in 1 coat by a brush or cloth in zones of 5 m2 and leave 15 minutes for penetrating the oil. Thoroughly remove the excess oil by cloth within 15 minutes per zone until the surface feels dry.
    • Apply in the direction of the wood grain to get a homogeneous look.
    • -Machine Application:
    • Apply the mixture along the edges for flooring.
    • Use a polishing machine with a red buffer pad for leveling the product to the surface.
    • Pour a quantity product to surface or buffer pad’s hollow and apply in zones of 5-10 m2. Leave 15 minutes for penetrating the oil. Thoroughly remove the excess oil by white buffer pad within 15 minutes per zone till the surface feels dry.
    • Apply in the direction of the wood grain to get a homogeneous look.


    • Do not apply products such as nitro, polyurethane basecoats, or primers before the product.
    • Keep the product closed when not in use.
    • The general application temperature of the product is between 15°C to 25°C at a relative humidity range of 40-65%.
    • The moisture content of the wood should be below 12%.
    • The area should be ventilated during and after the application to promote the drying.
    • ÜThe product should not be applied when the weather or surface temperature is below 10°C.
    • The floor should not be cleaned with ammonia containing cleaning materials.
    • The varnished floor can be stepped on after 24 hours. Allow seven days before spreading carpet or cleaning.
    • The product should be stored at temperatures between 5°C to 35°C.
    • Painting tools should be cleaned with mineral spirits after the application.
  • Safety Precautions:

    • Do not transfer contents to other containers for storage.
    • Do not use empty plastic cans for other purposes.
    • To avoid overexposure, open windows and doors or use other means to ensure fresh air entry during application and drying.
    • Avoid contact with eyes and skin.
    • Wash hands after using.
    • FIRST AID: In case of eye contact, flush thoroughly with large amounts of water. Get medical attention if irritation persists. If swallowed, call Poison Control Center, hospital emergency room, or physician immediately.
    • Dispose of contents/plastic cans in accordance with national regulations.
    • Please refer to the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) of the product for health and safety information.
  • Features
    General Features
    • One-coat protection
    • Non-film forming
    • Enhances the natural beauty of the wood
    • Abrasion and scratch resistance
    • No overlaps marking
    • Child safe (EN 71-3 Certified)
    • Water repellent
    • Environmentally friendly
    Where to use
    • Wood floorings
    • Wooden tables, chairs, kitchen worktops and furniture
    • Suitable for all interior wooden surfaces
    • Previously oiled interior woods and furniture
    • 500 ml
    • 2,5 L.
    • 15 L. (Upon request)
    Interior use only
    Abrasion & scratch resistance
    Apply with brush, cloth or polishing machine
    Stir well before use
    1 Lt-2 Katta 6-7 m2
    1 Lt covers 30 m2
    Does not crack or blister.

    The colors shown here are applied on oak and intended to approximate the final color. The color and the gloss obtained will vary according to the type, texture, and the absorbency of the wood. Film thickness and the number of coats applied will also affect the result. To see the final color, it is recommended to apply the product on the wood to be used.

    Weight (Kg)
    Where to use
    Wooden Door (Interior),Cladding (Interior),Hobby,Log Table,Wainscot,Table,Stairs,Furniture,Kitchen Countertop,Parquet (Wood Floor),Chair,Coffee table
  • Payment Options
    General Features
    • One-coat protection
    • Non-film forming
    • Enhances the natural beauty of the wood
    • Abrasion and scratch resistance
    • No overlaps marking
    • Child safe (EN 71-3 Certified)
    • Water repellent
    • Environmentally friendly
    Where to use
    • Wood floorings
    • Wooden tables, chairs, kitchen worktops and furniture
    • Suitable for all interior wooden surfaces
    • Previously oiled interior woods and furniture
    • 500 ml
    • 2,5 L.
    • 15 L. (Upon request)
    Interior use only
    Abrasion & scratch resistance
    Apply with brush, cloth or polishing machine
    Stir well before use
    1 Lt-2 Katta 6-7 m2
    1 Lt covers 30 m2
    Does not crack or blister.

    The colors shown here are applied on oak and intended to approximate the final color. The color and the gloss obtained will vary according to the type, texture, and the absorbency of the wood. Film thickness and the number of coats applied will also affect the result. To see the final color, it is recommended to apply the product on the wood to be used.

    Weight (Kg)
    Where to use
    Wooden Door (Interior),Cladding (Interior),Hobby,Log Table,Wainscot,Table,Stairs,Furniture,Kitchen Countertop,Parquet (Wood Floor),Chair,Coffee table
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    • 30 m² depending on wood type and application method

    •Surface Preparation:

    • Remove any dirt, oil, and wood dust from the surface.
    • Do not use products like cellulose or polyurethane filler or primer before the application of the product. As a filler, mix the wood dust with the product and fill all gaps and joints of the parquet. Clean the excess paste after it has dried out.

    -Untreated Wooden Surfaces:
    • Sand the surface according to the desired surface appearance. I.e., it is recommended to sand with #80/120 for a natural finish and #180-300 for a smoother texture
    • Thoroughly clean the generated dust and remove it entirely from the surface with a vacuum cleaner.
    • Remove the remaining dust with a damp cloth.

    -Oiled Wooden Surfaces:
    • Remove the remaining dust with a damp cloth.

    -Old Uncoated Wooden Surfaces:
    • Sand the weathered surface according to the desired surface appearance. I.e., it is recommended to sand with #80/120 for a natural finish and #180-300 for a smoother texture.
    • Thoroughly clean the generated dust and remove it entirely from the surface with a vacuum cleaner.
    • Remove the remaining dust with a damp cloth.

    -Varnished Wooden Floors:
    • Do not apply the product directly on pre-coated surfaces.
    • Remove the old varnish from the parquet completely with a scraping machine. Remove any dirt, oil, wood dust, and old varnish residues from the surface.
    • Sand the surface according to the desired surface appearance. I.e., it is recommended to sand with #80/120 for a natural finish and #180-300 for a smoother texture.
    • Thoroughly clean the generated dust and remove it entirely from the surface with a vacuum cleaner.
    • Remove the remaining dust with a damp cloth.


    • The product is used as two components with hardener.
    • Stir the product thoroughly before use and check its homogeneity. Repeat this process during the application.
    • The treated surface may be stepped on after 24 hours.
    • Allow seven days for full cure.
    • -Manual Application:
    • Apply the mixture along the edges for flooring.
    • Apply the mixture in 1 coat by a brush or cloth in zones of 5 m2 and leave 15 minutes for penetrating the oil. Thoroughly remove the excess oil by cloth within 15 minutes per zone until the surface feels dry.
    • Apply in the direction of the wood grain to get a homogeneous look.
    • -Machine Application:
    • Apply the mixture along the edges for flooring.
    • Use a polishing machine with a red buffer pad for leveling the product to the surface.
    • Pour a quantity product to surface or buffer pad’s hollow and apply in zones of 5-10 m2. Leave 15 minutes for penetrating the oil. Thoroughly remove the excess oil by white buffer pad within 15 minutes per zone till the surface feels dry.
    • Apply in the direction of the wood grain to get a homogeneous look.


    • Do not apply products such as nitro, polyurethane basecoats, or primers before the product.
    • Keep the product closed when not in use.
    • The general application temperature of the product is between 15°C to 25°C at a relative humidity range of 40-65%.
    • The moisture content of the wood should be below 12%.
    • The area should be ventilated during and after the application to promote the drying.
    • ÜThe product should not be applied when the weather or surface temperature is below 10°C.
    • The floor should not be cleaned with ammonia containing cleaning materials.
    • The varnished floor can be stepped on after 24 hours. Allow seven days before spreading carpet or cleaning.
    • The product should be stored at temperatures between 5°C to 35°C.
    • Painting tools should be cleaned with mineral spirits after the application.
  • Safety Precautions

    Safety Precautions:

    • Do not transfer contents to other containers for storage.
    • Do not use empty plastic cans for other purposes.
    • To avoid overexposure, open windows and doors or use other means to ensure fresh air entry during application and drying.
    • Avoid contact with eyes and skin.
    • Wash hands after using.
    • FIRST AID: In case of eye contact, flush thoroughly with large amounts of water. Get medical attention if irritation persists. If swallowed, call Poison Control Center, hospital emergency room, or physician immediately.
    • Dispose of contents/plastic cans in accordance with national regulations.
    • Please refer to the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) of the product for health and safety information.
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